Wednesday, January 23, 2013

House GOP filed a brief Urging the Supreme Court to uphold DOMA

The House GOP has started the DOMA fight.

They have filed a brief asking SCOTUS to defend DOMA.
Here's the scoop from Buzzfeed:
The House leaders argue that in addition to the federal reasons, the Congress could act for the same reasons many states have acted to ban same-sex couples from marrying. They wrote:

There is a unique relationship between marriage and procreation that stems from marriage's origins as a means to address the tendency of opposite-sex relationships to produce unintended and unplanned offspring. There is nothing irrational about declining to extend marriage to same-sex relationships that, whatever their other similarities to opposite-sex relationships, simply do not share that same tendency. Congress likewise could rationally decide to foster relationships in which children are raised by both of their biological parents.

Finally, the House Republican leaders argue that laws classifying people based on sexual orientation should not be scrutinized more closely by courts, as is done with other types of laws under the Constitution's equal protection guarantees, because "the histories of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, and legitimacy are different."
Whatever. The money they are wasting on this is truly ridic. Too bad it will amount to nothing.

If you want to check out the brief, I have it after the jump

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