Thursday, September 6, 2012

Romney has a Black Leadership Council? Child Please!

This is completely sad. With weeks left in this election, Mittens reveals his Black Leadership Council.

Yes, a Black Leadership Council.

This mess  council is chaired by Reps. Tim Scott and Allen West. Yes, Allen 'Broke Ass' West. Florida's messy Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll and traitor Artur Davis are also a part of this foolishness.

The Grio reports

The council is, at best, a tacit admission of that failing and, at worst, a desperate political gambit that engages in the same cynical, tokenistic brand of racial pandering that we’ve become accustomed to seeing from Republicans. However, African-Americans, many of whom see President Obama and the first family as part of their own, present a unique quandary. Sixty-one days before Election Day and on the eve of President Barack Obama’s DNC nomination acceptance speech, many found the council announcement baffling and disrespectful, if not downright laughable.
No Black people in their right mind will take this group seriously. In fact, it's an insult to even think they are doing something for the community.


  1. A Black Leadership Council with Allen West? That's almost on an even level with those clowns in GOProud.

  2. Black Leadership council? A mess by any other name is still a mess. This is clearly a weak attempt to snag some black votes. This is why I don't feel good about Mitt as a candidate.

  3. He is hoping the step-and-fetch will run and get that water for his elitist ass. Of course like a loyal old dog, Allen West's high top wearing ass will do the deed. Pathetic!
