Saturday, September 8, 2012

NOM's favorite pastor, Rev. Williams Owens is a FRAUD

Activist Tuan N'Gai started a campaign to expose NOM's Uncle Tom, Rev. Williams Owens. Within weeks, Tuan gathered some powerful info that tramples Rev. Owens' credibility.

Check it out:
First, we've discovered that Rev. Owens' "Metropolitan Institutional Church" does not exist. He isn't a pastor. There's no church to where we can deliver the petitions.

His claim to have been a civil rights leader is false. There is no evidence nor personal remembrances from long term Nashville residents that he participated in any civil rights demonstration in Nashville from 1958 - 1961.

Rev. Owens' claim that CAAP has 3800+ members can not be substantiated. Research has shown that there are only 20 members of this so-called organization. Most of the members are independent churches that aren't affiliated with any reputable denomination.

Rev. Owens' reported ties with the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church are false. The AME church disclaimed any knowledge of Rev. William Owens, and alluded he was not a real pastor by publicly stating, "Contrary to the report, neither the AME Church nor its leadership is involved with or partnering with the Coalition of African-American Pastors."

CAAP's claim that they aren't affiliated with any political group is false. Not only is CAAP funded through such organizations as the National Organization for Marriage, but they are also tied to The Arlington Group, who describes themselves as "a coalition of leaders from the pro-family community, that develops and executes national and grassroots strategies to: protect the traditional institution of marriage, increase respect for every human life, limit judicial activism, and act on other moral issues of concern."

Yes, exposed LIAR! I'm so happy Tuan found this info. It's very important to spread this out there so we can see his face cracked and NOM's evil efforts put on blast.


  1. Congratulations on the research in exposing this deceiver and pretender! I'm certain he's not the only charletan that needs to be outed!

  2. Pretty much all of the NOM cheerleaders are pretty much nobodies. They just have inflated views of themselves enough so that NOM takes what they say as verbatim.
