Saturday, September 1, 2012

Meet Paul Ryan's Black Ex-Girlfriend

A lot of folks heard about Paul Ryan's ex-girlfriend who's Black. It was considered a myth, but yes, he did date a Black woman.

That's cute and she's cute, but that's not all, she has a criminal past.

TMZ has the scoop:
Deneeta D. Pope -- who made headlines recently as Ryan's African-American GF in college -- was indicted by a Grand Jury in November 1999 for allegedly swindling her former employer -- Ernst & Young -- out of $77,000.

Pope pled guilty in 2001 to stealing a lesser amount, but admitted she inflated expense reports, fabricated receipts and turned in phony invoices. She then used a wire transfer to move the money from a bank in Delaware to a different account in Chicago.

Pope created the scam by claiming she attended an educational course for work. Turns out ... the course didn't even exist.

Pope served 5 months in Federal Prison

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