Sunday, August 26, 2012

Will Lana and Andy Wachowski handle the Justice League film?

The geekverse is buzzing about the possibly of them directing the Justice League movie. Apparently, they were on the short list.

Moviehole has more
What I’m told is Warner Bros are apparently jazzed with “Cloud Atlas”, and love that it’s as much a spectacle as it is a showcase for the immense ensemble involved, so it makes sense the W’s are under consideration. “Justice League” needs to be as big on character, as it does bells & whistles, and the Wachowski’s could probably offer that.

The directing duo have also gave the studio one of their most successful film trilogies of all time, “The Matrix” trio (I won’t mention “Speed Racer”).

Quite a few reasons why WB would consider the directing duo a viable option for “Justice League”, but would Lana and Andy even consider it? Hard to say. They definitely like to work at their own speed, and definitely like to do their ‘own’ thing as opposed to being merely one ‘cog’ in a venture, so I can’t see them jumping through hoops to pull the strings on a ‘we want it done now’ large corporate statement like this. Still, exciting possibility nonetheless.
They could pull it off, I mean, they gave us The Matrix.

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