Monday, August 27, 2012

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

Light Babies, Tara & Pam, The Care Fairies Stare and Bilith... All of the action and craziness, led us to the end of the season.

So, I ask y'all... What did you think?


  1. I liked it, especially the unveiling of Billith--I was so expecting him to snap out of it once Sookie came. And Lafayette was hilarious.

    Though I thought they dropped the ball on the Warlow story line.

  2. didn't feel like a season finale, it felt like a mid season finale. Largely because they have so many storylines going on that the major one gets left up in the air.

  3. @K.Clark-I think teh ONLY story that they kind of resolved was the smoke monster one. Everything else is still dangling a bit.
