Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Vague Review: Sparkle

So, I saw the 'Sparkle' remake and to sum it up... It was cute, safe and entertaining. I'll give you my vague review.
  • Jordan Sparks was cute and she's grown up well.
  • The movie was very crisp and clean, not gritty and street like the original. 
  • The wardrobe was nice, but not era or scene appropriate. Seemed to be off several years.
  • Sister was good, believable and interesting. Her voice was sexy and sweet, which was a plus.
  • However, their voices were not soulful enough for the style of the songs.
  • They changed a lot in this film. In fact, it could've been a whole other movie.
  • Dee was stronger in this version.
  • Whitney was great in the film, it was sad in some parts because it was like she was talking about herself.
  • Some of the performances were a bit much, but Sparkle's performances were good.
  • Some scenes felt out of place.
  • There were some great lines in the film.
  • 'One Wing' is a cute song.
I recommend the film. It didn't 'wow' me, but it was cute and steady. However, I still prefer the original. 

1 comment:

  1. No one can do Lonette Mckee, she was HOT in the original.
