Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Darnell "Dynasty" Young has been Reinstated! He returns to School on Monday

This is great news. The Indianapolis Public Schools has overturned Darnell "Dynasty" Young's expulsion and he will be back in school on Monday.

Here's a quick recap about the story. Darnell is a gay student who was consistently harassed by bullies. One day he brought a stun gun to school to protect himself. The bullies tried to attack and Darnell shot the gun, since then, he has been removed from school.

Now, he can come back, earlier than planned:
Even though the decision paves the way for Young to return to school, an attorney for the family said he's still disappointed because the district hasn't acknowledged that it had a duty to protect Young from bullies. 
"The district not only failed to protect Dynasty, it appears that school officials actually put the blame on him for not toning down the way he dressed and characterizing him as flamboyant," said Chris Stoll, senior staff attorney for the National Center for Lesbian Rights who's representing the family. "The problem here is not with Dynasty; it's with a school district that failed to protect him from constant harassment."
I'm happy that Darnell can come back to school. Now, school must do its basic duty can keep him safe within their halls.



  1. Hopefully this does not subject him to more bullying when he returns or alienation.

  2. Keep that stun gun handy Darnell.
