Friday, June 22, 2012

Frenchie Davis Comes Out

Remember when American Idol was worth watching? I do, and this woman was one of the reasons why I watched.

Frenchie Davis was a powerful potential in season 2 of AI, but a stupid pic got her kicked off the show. Still, Frenchie kept truckin' through the industry. She's hitting several Pride events and working on some new music.

But that's not all, she also came out.
There’s also something else going on with Davis. She’s been dating a woman for the past year.
“I wasn’t out before the relationship, but I wasn’t in,” she says. “I dated men and women, though lesbians weren’t feeling the bisexual thing. Now I’m in love with a woman I think I can be with forever.”
That's great news, I hope her relationship works out. And I can't wait for some awesome new music from her.


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