Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Brooklyn Teen was left Blind in One Eye after an Anti-Gay Attack

At Roy H. Mann Junior High School in Bergen Beach, 14-year-old Kardin Ulysse was beaten by bullies so bad that he is blind in one eye.

Kardin has had two surgeries on his right eye since the beating in the school's cafeteria. Now, his parents are suing the city.

NY Daily News has more on the story:
Kardin, an eighth-grader, was set upon by a pair of seventh-graders who were calling him a “f-----g f----t,” a “p----,” a “transvestite” and “gay,” according to a Department of Education occurrence report.

While one schoolmate pinned the victim’s arms, the other rained punches on Kardin’s face, head and neck.

Kardin broke away and the fight continued in the cafeteria until school safety officers and school aides finally intervened.

The boy’s family has retained lawyer Sanford Rubenstein, who will file a notice Tuesday to sue the city for $16 million for failing to properly supervise the students.

Rubenstein also called for the authorities to investigate whether the attack is a hate crime and upgrade the criminal charges to felonies. Because they’re minors, the two alleged bullies were charged with misdemeanors in Family Court.

The city’s Corporation Counsel did not immediately return a call for comment.
Those bullies need some serious discipline and this school needs to be investigated. A school should not be a war zone.

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