Monday, April 30, 2012

Question of the Day

Which of the Fairy Tale series you like the most?

Once Upon a Time or Grimm?


  1. I like Grimm but LOVE Once Upon a Time!

  2. I actually like 'em both, although Grimm has become more of a police procedural. It is darker, which I like,
    Once Upon A Time has a lot going for it, too, like hot guys in leather pants.

  3. I could only handle a couple episodes of Grimm. Kinda bored me. The lead guy on the show though does look like he'd make a decent Superman/Clark Kent though. I definitely like Once Upon A Time more, just not sure how you stretch it out for multiple seasons with its current storyline. It has a lot of room for growth though.

  4. Once Upon a Time. I tried an episode of Grimm but couldn't get into it.

  5. Grimm. Once Upon a Time got too repetitive each episode so we stopped watching.

  6. Grimm. I watched the first two episodes of once upon a time and found them too childish to continue. Initially Grimm was boring, but lately, especially with the last episode, it's come into its own asa shops I'm not ashamed to claim. BTW, I had exactly the same thought about the actor playing Nick; the only issue I see is his height.
