Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kenneth James Weishuhn was Bullied to Death

When Kenneth came out he was bullied everyday. Then, he decided to end it all, he was only 14.

However friends and family want everyone to know what a wonderful person he was. There's a Facebook page and YouTube video in his honor.

Rest in Peace, Kenneth


  1. These stories just tear me apart.

    There, but for the grace of "god", go I.

  2. Yet another tragic result of bullying and violence. Another reason why we so desperately need to remain vigilant. Gay Bloggers Day of Silence, sponsored by GLSEN, is 4/20/12. We all need to work together to end this loss of human life.

  3. If these dumb ass kids are going to kill themselves they might as well take a few of the bullies with them. Killing yourself is not the answer.....FIGHT BACK. If you die ,you were going to kill yourself anyway.
