Saturday, April 7, 2012

Brian Brown claims that Blacks and Latinos always hated Gay Marriage

In a sad attempt to raise money, NOM hate leader states that Blacks and Latinos always opposed gay marriage.

See here in their letter:

NOM didn't create this issue. The African American and Hispanic communities have always opposed same-sex marriage. It is the gay marriage activists and Democratic party elites who have forced the issue, ignoring the voices of Black and Hispanic voters.
I just spoke with two of my heroes in the fight to defend marriage, Rev. Sen. Ruben Diaz and Bishop Harry Jackson. They are outraged by these latest attacks, and Senator Diaz has already posted a powerful response on his official senate website.

NOM has marched arm-in-arm with countless African American and Hispanic pastors, community leaders and grassroots supporters. They know us. They know our hearts. There is no way the other side can divide us.

If anything, this unprecedented attack has encouraged our Hispanic and African American colleagues to do even more on behalf of marriage.

My friend, we are building an unprecedented coalition of marriage supporters across all racial, ethnic, political and religious lines.

Blacks, whites and Hispanics...Republicans, Democrats and Independents...Catholics and Protestants, Mormons, Jews and atheists...All standing together for the good of marriage!
Brian, first you mock us and now, you claim to know what's in our hearts? Bitch, have a seat! The jig is up.


  1. I can smell their desperation from here.

    And it ain't pretty.

  2. Oh, Brown is just forgetting about the Blacks and Latinos that ARE LGBT, or are family thereof. It's already shown that those who know someone who is LGBT are usually for equality.
