Sunday, March 18, 2012

Question of the Day

How do you feel about the Dharun Ravi verdict?

Should he go to jail?

Should he be deported?

What do you think?


  1. Deporting him is the easy way out. Let him rot in jail for a few years first.

  2. I'm quite surprised with how the verdict went, but he switched his defense. After that he seemed like a douche.

    I don't presume to know enough about him or the case to decide, but I think if it gets the message across, it's served us well.

  3. I say let him serve his time (hopefully the max he can get) and then boot his ass.

  4. deport him. No need to waste tax dollars feeding him in jail

  5. I'd like to see him spend some time behind bars for what he did. Since deportation is an option, I'm in favor of using that once he is out.

  6. Cosign w/ R J.
    I'd prefer he rot in jail, then send his remains back to India.
