Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rick Santorum charges President Obama of 'Hubris' And 'Snobbery' for wanting Kids to go to College

In Manchester, N.H., Rick told some folks that Obama was WRONG to say all American kids should go to college. How dare Obama tell them that?

Rick said:
I was so outraged by the president of the United States for standing up and saying every child in America should go to college. Well who are you? Who are you to say that every child in America should [go to college]? I mean, the hubris of this president to think that he knows what's best. 

I have seven kids. Maybe they will all go to college. But if one of my kids wants to go and be an auto-mechanic, good for him. That's a good paying job: using your hands, using your mind. This is the kind of snobbery that we see from those who think they know how to run our lives. Rise up America, defend your own freedoms. And overthrow these folks who think they know how to orchestrate every aspect of your lives.
Yeah, Rick! Why would Obama want kids to dream big and get an education? That's so arrogant and prideful... Impeach Obama!



  1. Gee, Rick. Why should kids go to college? Bachelors degrees can open doors that GEDs and high school diplomas can't.

  2. Rick Santorum is so dumb he makes Michele Bachmann look like a genius.

    He puts the dumb in dumbfuck.
    He outs the fuck in there, too.

  3. Mr. Fecal sounds so angry. I wonder if the wifey is not getting him any?
