Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Poll: Newt and Mitt Tied in South Carolina?

A new poll from InsiderAdvantage Georgia shows Newt and Romney in a dead heat.

Here are the results so far:
Mitt Romney: 23 percent

Newt Gingrich: 21 percent

Rick Santorum: 14 percent

Ron Paul: 13 percent

Jon Huntsman: 7 percent

Rick Perry: 5 percent

Other: 2 percent

Undecided/No opinion: 15 percent

Conducted January 11 among 726 likely voters, for a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

Now here is the interesting breakdown:
"Romney and Gingrich are even among those who identify themselves as 'Republicans' in South Carolina. Among those who call themselves 'Independent', Paul leads at 29 percent, but Gingrich and Romney are not far behind.

"Men favor Gingrich, while women favor Romney. 

Most of interest, Santorum preforms well among voters age 30-44, hold his own among women, but does poorly with male voters."

It's interesting to see that Santorum does well with women, considering his support for banning birth control and wanting to make Personhood legal. Very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm in South Carolina and I'll tell you that the three of them resemble The Three Stooges more than they resemble a president.
