Wednesday, January 4, 2012

National Stonewall Democrats address the Iowa Caucuses

National Stonewall Democrats Executive Director Jerame Davis issued the following statement:
"The Iowa caucuses paint a sad and desperate picture of today's Republican Party.

"Mitt Romney has been running for president for 5 years and yet 75% of Iowa Republicans would like anyone but Romney to be their standard bearer. Last night, Iowa scraped the bottom of the barrel and came up with Santorum - a dyed-in-the-wool culture warrior hell-bent on imposing his warped moral values on the rest of the nation. Of all the clowns in the car, they picked the most virulently homophobic and least qualified of the lot.

"Rick Santorum's political career should have ended when Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly rejected his unhinged right wing lunacy in 2006.
He will never be the nominee - let alone president - but thanks to the Iowa GOP, we will now be inflicted with a few more weeks of self-righteous sanctimony and rank piety before the Santorum surge finally fizzles.

"Ron Paul's radical following delivered him a solid third place finish proving that a past filled with racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic remarks and crackpot libertarian reductionism is not a barrier to broad support in the GOP. Unfortunately for Romney, that rabid following means Paul will be around to spoil Romney's ascendance for some time to come.

"This circus stands in stark contrast to President Obama's steadfast leadership and drama-free style. If Republicans don't want to find themselves in political Siberia this November, they'd better clean up this mess quickly and start repairing the serious damage this process is doing to their brand."

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