Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why is this Mess of a Calendar on sale at Barnes & Noble and Amazon?

A reader just alerted me about this mess on sale on Amazon; and as you can see it's not cute. The creator of this foolishness is Joe King.

Joe King has an interesting background and enjoys the attention. You can look at his other work if you want to. 

However, I think Amazon and B&N should know that this mess is NOT okay with the LGBT community.

Thanks for the head-up, Shawn McCormick.


  1. What do you expect from someone who uses the letter "z" in lieu of an "s" in the plural form of calendar.

  2. all i can do is ahake my head.

  3. On the upside, it's barely sold anything. However if you're expecting some sort of apology... buy a big, fat book. King is not backing up on his Facebook page. At all. Basically, in his view, it's OUR fault - he's just the messenger. Oh, and AIDs stops the day men 'stop sticking it to each other.'


  4. V I feel that done by the right group of people, with good intentions, the calendar could have been a good expression/learning experience about gender conformity, gender equity, transgender issues, and GLBTQ identity. In his hands it is none of those things.
