Thursday, December 1, 2011

Teen Sentenced 90 Days for Beating Gay Student

Zach Huston, the student beaten for being gay, learned that his attacker was given 90 in a juvenile detention center:
Levi Sever, 15, was sentenced yesterday after previously pleading guilty to a delinquency count of assault before Juvenile Court Judge Richard Ward.

Zach Huston, 15, was assaulted on Oct. 17 in a classroom at Unioto High School, with the youth and his mother both saying he was targeted because he is gay.

Sever was ordered to undergo mental health counseling and continue his education during his detention, said Prosecutor Matthew Schmidt.

Sever has not attended school since the attack, but school officials have declined to discuss the discipline he received. 
I hope Levi gets counseling. He needs help.


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