Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rick Santorum wants to Win over Gay Voters?

Did I wake up in another universe. Rick Santorum wants to win us over? This is what he said to Greta Van Susteren on Fox News' "On The Record":
"Well, look, I have nothing against gay people. They have rights of every other citizen. But what they did in Iowa and what some are trying to do -- not all gays -- but some are trying to do is change the laws of this country with respect to what the definition of marriage is," Santorum said. "We have a public policy disagreement. I know there are a lot of gays who are strong on national security and believe in lower taxes and getting this economy moving, and welcome them to join our campaign."
Look at him trying to candy coat his hate. He also said:
"But if there are differences, I'm certainly going to speak out on those differences when I think it's in the best interests of our country to have laws that reflect having men and women raise children and form solid marriage bonds."
Whatever, bitch. Here's the interview



  1. This world is over populated and here in America it's getting there. I bet there will be some of us gays who jump on board with him, like our Italian gay brothers and sisters for eg.

    OBAMA 2012!!!
    Back the BARACK UP!!!

  2. that's right! Back the BARACK up!!! What Santarum is trying to say is- I'm in the bottom of the polls, just above Huntsman. I don't like you gays but I need every vote I can get.

  3. Only because my deepest suspicion is that he is one. Maybe he's working up a union with Rick Perry in their own little "Brokeback Mountain" idyl in the WH. Imagine the marines they could tap into.
