Thursday, December 22, 2011

The 'Buffy' Reboot is in Limbo! Cocktails for Everybody!

I'm so happy to hear that the silly 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' reboot is in limbo! For some reason, the studios thought it would be great to reboot Buffy. The world was against this, especially since Joss wasn't apart of it.

They also hired a writer to pen a story, but that's all they had... Just a writer. But now they don't have that. In fact, they fired her.

From Hero Complex:

Two sources close to the project say that the script submitted this past summer by writer Whit Anderson fell far short of expectations and, in the end, was rejected completely. That’s news that will spark celebration from some longtime “Buffy” fans who were less than thrilled by the prospects of a “Buffy” revival that didn’t involve Joss Whedon.
So what happens now?
A new writer is being sought but the entire endeavor may have lost some steam. There also might be some healthy fear among the producers who witnessed a spasm of fan criticism when the project was first publicized.

“If you’re going to bring it back, you have to do it right,” one key player in the project told Hero Complex. “[Anderson] came in with some great ideas and she had reinvented some of the lore and it was pretty cool but in the end there just wasn’t enough on the page.”
I'm not happy that a fellow writer is out of a job, but this was a doomed project from the gate. The fans will kill this project. Maybe it's best to let it die a quiet death. We will be pleased with that.

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