Friday, November 18, 2011

Interesting Quote: Tyler Perry

 His response on why he has Kim Kardashian in his new movie:

"I said to one of my producers, who else is out there that young people are looking up to?' One of my producers showed me pictures that his daughter had taken of several hundred kids lined up around the corner to get into a Kardashian store. They wanted to meet Kim. I thought, what better person! She literally has millions of young people following her. I thought and still do think, that it would be very responsible of her to be a part of this film. To have the young people that look up to her, see her in a film that is about, what happens in life when you make the wrong choices."
Tyler Perry is on crack!



  1. I used to think “Good for them! Way to turn a sow’s ear (sex tape) into a purse (bajillions)!” But now, after Kim’s wedding hijinks, I’ve moved them to the People-That-Don’t-Take-Marriage-Seriously Category.

    While thousands of couples are fighting for the right to marry, I really believe that those who CAN marry should take it very seriously. Even more so when you have thousands of “fans” watching your every move and elevating you to role model status.

  2. "To have the young people that look up to her, see her in a film that is about, what happens in life when you make the wrong choices."

    Is the film about her family? ;)

  3. Little kids don't look up to her, they want to be famous, like her....only hopefully without the sex tapes, the media-whoriness, and the ten minute second marriage.

  4. Tyler is saying that having her in the film will bring in an audience. Like it or not, Kim Kardashian has a lot of fans. Those fans are going to come see this film simply because she's in it. When they come to see her, Tyler believes they'll also receive a message they might not have otherwise heard or seen. Plus, Tyler will make a lot more money in the process because of a more diverse audience paying to see the film. He's not on crack -- he's just smart.

  5. I didn't think his target audience were kids, those that follow Kim Kardashian. The people who put him on the map were black women, right? That's his bread and butter, right? And black women don't follow Kim Kardashian, right? Is he changing his target audience to that of kids? Who will he have in his follow up movies- Snookie, or Lady Gaga? Kids like them too. Black women dont like them either. I wasn't planning on seeing this movie. Now I'm really not going to see it.

  6. He's just hoping he can borrow some of her clothes........

  7. Nope, he's just one more Hollywood whore.

  8. I have just about lost all respect for him.
