Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hot Rumor! Christopher Meloni may join the cast of True Blood

One of the sexiest men on Earth may be on one of the sexiest shows on TV. Christopher may be on True Blood next season!

Here's the scoop:
TVLine has learned exclusively that the former Law & Order: SVU front man is circling what my sources are calling a “major role” in the show’s upcoming fifth season.

But what role? An HBO rep declined to comment, but I hear Meloni — who’s currently shooting a top-secret role in The Man of Steel — is in talks to play (duh) an incredibly powerful vampire.

If a deal comes to pass, this would be a major casting coup for True Blood. It would also mark a high-profile return to the small screen for Meloni following his sudden departure from SVU last spring.
This could be nutritious and delicious! I'll keep you posted.


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