Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yes! The President Hillary Notion is a 'Fantasy'

I'm actually glad to hear this. Liberals need to stop daydreaming and live in the now.

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BTW, I'm realistic Dem not a EmoProg.


  1. I voted for Obama to make history. Obama is a special guy. I did also voted for him because he is black. But not by the standards of the way white folks think.
    If Hilliary runs in 2016, she has my vote.

  2. I consider myself progressive democrat. That means, get our priorities straight. Stop the federal welfare for defense and corporations. Just stop it as a first strike.

    You can also end the military misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just end it. Pull out, let the inevitable civil wars happen.

    Then take the $700 Billion a year military and slice it in half. Take the half and invest in the U.S. with education, with infrastructure.

    Then fund the entitlement programs until such time we are back to as near full employment as we can get.

  3. All they are doing is giving hypotheticals.
    They are just looking for someone to blame. Pathetic state this country is in.
