Sunday, September 11, 2011

When Stupidity & Religion Mix: The Comic Book Version

When Action Comics #1 came out this week, everyone ran out to get it. But if you live in North Carolina and shop at Comics Conspiracy, you couldn't get that comic book on the first day. Why? Well, the owner took offense to this scene here:
"GD" Yes, that was the reason. The owner believed it was a referring "God Dammit" or "God Damn" and it was taking the Lord's name in vain. He said:

Really? Anywho, this issue pissed off folks on both sides and later the owner wrote this:
First and foremost, I want to make a formal apology to Grant Morrison. I made a statement in anger after reading the issue in question after the store closed on Wednesday. Mr. Morrison, I most humbly apologize for calling you a “Scottish schmuck”, I was way out of line. This is a true heartfelt apology.

For right now though, I have to admit that the can of worms that has been opened is much larger than I ever dreamed it would be. But that’s OK. There are a lot of interesting views here mixed in among the hate. The bottom line is that nobody but Grant Morrison knows the TRUE intent behind the GD letters. This issue could be easily resolved by a simple post from either Mr. Morrison or the editors at DC Comics.
Then, Grant, himself responded:

“It should go without saying that the offending panel and caption, a mere ‘GD’, is a sound effect grunt – to suggest Superman’s breath being forced through gritted teeth – much like ‘DHH’, ‘GNUHH’ or the many others used throughout this book and in general in the comics business. It’s not in any way representative of God or a curse.”
Good grief... But, we ain't done! The owner returned with this statement:
Thank you Grant Morrison. The boycott is lifted. Once again my apologies to Grant for the unwarranted name calling. Thank you to those who supported my stance. To those who didn’t… I respect your opinions. To those who only posted to bash Christians and people with opinions different from yours… grow up and get a life.
That's goes for you too, Boo Boo! Someone lay hands on the owner of Comic Conspiracy.


  1. Talking the LORD's name in vain is when one says they hate whites or blacks or tell you something your doing is wrong and then they do it. Saying GODDAMN is a small prayer, eg,
    GODDAMN those republicans.

  2. This guy is telling other people to get a life? How rich.

    Oh well, at least his priorities are straight. No hungry or homeless people in his town, I'm sure, and he's commandeering the buying habits of comic book geeks to keep Mighty Jesus' name safe and secure. WHAT-EVAH, FREAK!
