Wednesday, September 28, 2011

VIDEOS: UC Berkeley Protest the Racist Bake Sale

At UC Berkeley, the College Republicans hosted a "racist" bake sale with cupcakes and pastries priced by gender and race like, cupcakes priced at $2.00 for white men and $1.00 for Latinos.

The students didn't take it so well. So please watch some of the clips from the protest:

1 comment:

  1. I predict in the near future that Affirmative Action will be more of a reflection of your financial background than your specific ethnic background.

    Instead of protesting college admissions they should be protesting the cutting of funding to public schools. Affirmative Action wouldn't be as necessary if the preceding educational foundation was equal to all our kids. If it was, then you would have something to complain about. But right now a person of privilege just seems bitter when they are the ones who've benefited their entire lives from our backwards wealth based system.
