Wednesday, September 21, 2011

LIVE STREAM: From the Georgia Prison Where Troy Davis Is to Be Executed

via Democracy Now


  1. Where is the proof? This man should have been set free. This is the Acid Test and I see that a lot of whites just want a scapegoat. They failed the Acid Test yet again.

  2. I'm not surprised at all. It shows that some white Southerners are still so gung ho over killing any black man. The cycle of social injustice in the South continues.

  3. I had hope when I heard there was a pause around 7 PM. I got on the phone, checked the news around 11:45 and saw they saw fit to execute Troy anyway. Justice has not been served!!! This is such a stain on the justice system. Bastards! I so agree with the sentiments expressed by Kayman. Damn Georgia.

    RIP Troy.

  4. I can't get over this feeling that this was an attack on me too.
