Thursday, September 8, 2011

GOP Debate ignored Gay Marriage

I noticed something last night during the GOP Debate. No, not the number times they used the words "Obamacare" or "Monstrosity" in the overall discussion, the number of times they talked about gay marriage or gay issues... None.

Chris Matthews even pointed that out last night with Rick Santorum after the debate

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So NOM, I think your purpose is dying


  1. True. They steered clear of lots of topics but mentioned Ronald Reagan as often as Obamacare and Monstrosity and Jobs (but no plans).

  2. I hope this guy has a good memory, that Italians were seen as niggers back in the day and that they were denied certain things and now he wants to deny others certain things. I do feel America is not ready for an Italian President yet. I am not hating on Italians either. Do we remove the N word from history books?
