Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Poll: Obama tied with Perry? Beaten by Romney?

Lord, what's really going on?

Fears over the economy and jobs got folks losing their minds. Check out the latest Gallup poll
So when it gets tough, folks just lose it? Tells you something about our country.



  1. It's a shame that the Dems don't have a stonger candidate than Obama. Romney is less threatening to me than Perry; I'm a Texan so have some experience of that he's like.

  2. I feel president Obama will come out on top.

  3. The last time we all laughed at a Texas Governor we ended up crying.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.

  4. I think the reality is that Obama will pull this off. I just wonder if he'll push harder in his second term. If the democrats can't get some momentum going soon, it's pretty much all for naught.

  5. It means the American people are fucking morons.
