Monday, August 15, 2011

Mista Mahaj P will make the 1st Pro-Gay Reggae CD

Reggae artist Mista Mahaj P will possibly make history by making a pro gay album.

Here's more:
On the album, Mista Majah P, who is NOT gay, calls for love and tolerance, through tracks such as Gay Marriage, A Letter To Bruce Golding and Gay Adoption in which he argues that there is nothing wrong with same sex couples adopting children and getting married. 

“The reason for doing this pro-gay album is to try and stop the ignorance that people - not only Jamaicans -have toward lgbt (Lesbian, Gay and Transgender) people,” he said via email and his manager. “This album is an education and the beginning to let us break down the wall and start a conversation between gay and straight (people). 

He added: “The reason I (also) did it is because of the way reggae artist has become so hypocritical and spreading lie,” he told The Voice via email and his manager. “Where I live we have a big gay population and when they (reggae artistes) come here, they perform for a majority gay audience and perform in the gay establishment; take the money and go back to where ever not telling the truth. I think that a double standard. Don’t take their money and then bash them.”
 This is a great start in changing minds in the community. I wish Mista Mahaj P the best of luck with this.


1 comment:

  1. Best of luck lining your pockets with the money. I don't buy this at all. He is going to fuck up his career.
