Thursday, August 18, 2011

The "Be Great" Campaign reaches out to LGBT Black Teens

Youth Pride Services, a Chicago organization that works with Black LGBT teens, has started a new campaign called,"Be Great". This project hopes to end the foolishness and provide workshops and development opportunities.

Windy City Times reports:

"The youth are trying to get people involved in a grassroots campaign, trying to be great and stop the violence and other silliness that can go on," said Frank Walker, youth director at Youth Pride Services. "It strives to break down barriers that can prevent you from trying to be great or being better than just hanging out there on Belmont."

With co-sponsors that include the 23rd District Police Department, the Northalsted Business Alliance and Pow Wow, "Be Great" will focus on youth who frequent the Boystown area. The hallmark effort is a PSA campaign in which young adults produce print and video ads encouraging their peers to "Be Great."

Local sponsors—including District Commander Kathleen Boehmer and a representative from Tom Tunney's office—voted in early August for the best print ad. The winning print PSA will be announced Aug. 18 at Ann Sather's on Belmont during a "Be Great" meeting; it will run in local publications (including the Windy City Times) and be distributed among youth as a palm card.

Video submissions are still being accepted on the "Be Great" Facebook page, which has more than 160 members, many of whom post daily. 
This seems to be a good project. Here are a couple videos full with positive pictures

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