Sunday, July 3, 2011

In Georgia: LGBT Community joins the Protest against the new Immigration law HB 87

After the new immigration law HB 87 passed in Georgia, many folks quickly came out against it, including the LGBT community.

In fact, several leaders of the LGBT community released statements supporting immigrant community and condemning the bill:
Paulina Hernandez, co-director, Southerners on New Ground:
"The LGBTQ community has a lot to risk with the passage of HB-87 and we are outraged that the governor has chosen to ignore all the community outcry from citizens, legal residents and immigrant communities alike, his arrogance will mark a political moment we will not forget," she said.

Paris Hatcher, executive director, SPARK! Reproductive Justice NOW:
"SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW stands in solidarity with SONG and other people of color and LGBTQ led organizations in the South for the July 2 Mass Mobilization. We share and echo the call for renewed commitment for justice for immigrants and other marginalized communities who are facing increased surveillance and profiling with the passage of HB87," she said. "As a community centered organization led by the experiences of women of color and LGBTQ people, we understand a temporary injunction is not enough, and only a full repeal of HB87 can mitigate the devastating impact of this racist bill on the lives, families, and communities of our people," she added.

Mary Anne Adams, board member and founder of ZAMI NOBLA, a national organization of black lesbians on aging:
"This bill uses racial profiling as a tool of Georgia to police, detain, arrest and deport Latino immigrants. Moreover, it places all people of color in the cross-hairs of Police and ICE collaboration. As a black lesbian organization we are concerned that our base, our communities and our allies will be affected with its passing and implementation. We urge our comrades to build unity across communities that experience homophobia, sexism and racism …," she said.

Craig Washington, prevention programs manager at AID Atlanta:
"As a black gay man who has been HIV positive for most of my life, I embody identities deemed as taboo, different, queer, those whose bodies are demonized, criminalized and imprisoned. I do not need to face the same pitfalls as an immigrant to recognize where our paths cross," he said. "Let our chants resound to claim freedom for all, to celebrate the contributions of immigrants throughout Georgia and the nation, to declare that we share the struggle, and that only when we are all free, can we proclaim the victory."
Here's some footage from the protest

The law took effect on Friday. On a quick note, I am happy the see the LGBT community come out and support other causes. This really speaks to the notion of power by numbers. I hope this is a continuing and growing trend.

more info is here


  1. Sneaking in to Mexico can get you 10 years in prison.

  2. Some footage? You mean this incredibly well shot and edited piece juxtaposed to Dolly Parton's lovely voice singing Woody Guthrie's classic song that demands that we put a face and names to the people who struggle to come to this country? ;-) Jim Sutherland Media

    BTW, comparing us to oppressive governments, "Sneaking in to Mexico can get 10 years in prison" is a non-starter. You can get arrested for hiking across the border in Iran too, but we are not Iran... nor Mexico. We are the United States of America. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
