Sunday, July 10, 2011

Idiot of the Week: Mike Bickle

This fool believes that Oprah is the Antichrist!

He is also Gov. Rick Perry's favorite preacher


  1. Fool is an understatement - they did say that the AntiChrist would come in ways we least expect - maybe someone should watch out for this fool!

  2. Fool is an understatement - they did say that the AntiChrist would come in ways we least expect - maybe someone should watch out for this fool!

  3. Fool is an understatement - they did say that the AntiChrist would come in ways we least expect - maybe someone should watch out for this fool!

  4. In a few months, we are all going to be wishing we had never heard of Rick Perry. He is smart enough to stand back and let clowns like Bachman and company make the GOP look like a country club full of sheet wearing lunatics. And then he is going to jump into the race and look like a white knight riding to the rescue, and then god help us all. If President Obama doesn't give the middle of the road folks some reason to vote for him, we will be living in the United States of Texas.

  5. It sounds like he is talking about catholics priest/church. They snuck nazis in America, they tortured the prophets of Christ,they change the sabbath to Sunday when it was Saturday and they think they have the power to forgive sins. They generous with feeding the homeless.

  6. That's pretty ballsy of him...I wonder how many of his "flock" will leave because of this...and how many will become anti-Oprahites.

  7. Is this guy for real? So anyone who shows compassion and kindness is a forerunner to being the Anti-Christ. What we should about throw rocks at each other while quoting Scripture wearing our Eternal Sack-cloth and ashes??? Really?
