Monday, June 13, 2011

Tracy Morgan says he supports Gay Marriage and his son, if he was Gay

In an interview with Russell Simmons, Tracy Morgan talked about his homophobic rant and that he supports gay rights.

Here are a few piece from the interview:

Russell Simmons:  I've known you since the beginning of your career and have always thought you were one of the funniest guys in the game.  Ever since I saw you on Def Comedy Jam, I knew you were going to be extraordinarily successful.  But, I gotta be honest, I was quite disappointed when I read about your comments you made about having a gay son and about gay people in general.
Tracy Morgan: I guess the reason I am successful is because I am so unfiltered. And sometimes as a result I say really stupid shit. The truth is if I had a gay son, I would love him just as much as if he was straight ... I might have to try to love even more because I know of the difficulty that he would have in society.
Russell:  Having fought for decades for the gay community in their struggle to be treated fairly and with dignity, I think you know you crossed the line.  However, I know you...I know you very well.  And I know that deep down inside there is no hate in your heart.
Tracy:  Of all the sicknesses, there is probably none more abusive than homophobia. My heart is committed to giving everyone the same rights that I deserve for myself. I don't care if you love the same sex as long as you have the ability to love someone. Also, you should have the right no matter who you are to protect and serve our country. I am deeply sorry for the comments I made. What I am most sad about is the comments I made about kids and bullying.  I would never want any young person to think that I wasn't on their side and if any young person thinks they can bully a young gay kid, come see me at 30 Rock.  On the corner, I would be happy to meet you.  Or Brooklyn if you can't make it into Manhattan.

Check out the rest of the interview


  1. Liar. I believe he felt what he said, and now he's trying to backtrack only because he knows it's going to negatively affect his pocketbook. I will not see anything that has him as a cast member. I don't care how many times he apologizes. I have a gay son. 26 now. He came out when he was 15 and told me at the time. I knew I raised him right when he felt comfortable telling me, and my feelings for him hasn't changed one iota. Tracy's comments are the reasons alot of kids are scared to come out to their family. Some even commit suicide as a result of that kind of reaction. It's hurtful and mean-spirited. Ok, i'm done.

  2. Yeah, I'm not buying it either. Although he said it on stage, supposedly as a joke, I feel that what he said was done with true conviction. This isn't the first tirade he went on about things he disliked or felt better than, so Morgan can do as many intreviews as possible . . .I don't believe him. I wish him well, though.

  3. What Tracy said is water under the bridge to me now. Talk about reaping what you

  4. There is a post mortem here - maybe he's going to be made a better person drom his comments. But I think deep iside his comments whispers how he truly feels, and that does ot change overnight!

  5. Next thing you know Tracy Morgan will be IN a gay relationship!

  6. lol @ Prince Toddy English- true dat. Those that protest too much do so for a reason.
