Friday, May 6, 2011

My Review: Thor

I have to say that I loved Thor! It was a great comic book movie that stuck to its Marvel roots and you don't feel stupid for watching it.

But before I go off on how fine Chris Hemsworth is, I'll give you my vague review:

  • Thor's back story was done well. You got a strong understanding of his history and his power
  • This movie showcase his power straight from the comic books

  • Chris is a hottie! Okay, on a serious note, he played Thor perfectly. And my Goddess he is hot!
  • The Earth scenes were wonderful. The times Thor spent with Jane were natural and well scripted.
  • The graphics were on point.
  • If you are not a Thor person (like me) then you will enjoy this movie. This was a well told story.
  • Loki was a great complex villain.
  • The casting was perfect. I'm still impressed with Chris' performance as Thor.
  • Anthony Hopkins continues his superb acting as Odin
  • There were nice nods to Marvel Comics and a couple of characters made appearances (Hawkeye was one of them).
  • After seeing Jaimie as Lady Sif, I am convinced that she should have been Wonder Woman.
  • All the characters had a purpose in the film, unlike Iron Man 2.
  • The mix of the two worlds was tastefully done.
  • This film made me a fan of Thor.
See this movie! Oh, and stay to the very end of the film.


  1. Loved Thor, and I'm really not a Marvel fan. I agree with everything you've said, especially Chris being HOT, but I did find myself wondering, at one point, why Loki decided that dressing as a bluey green ant complete with feelers was a good look...

  2. I love the review in bullet points instead of paragraph form. So much nicer to read quick tidbits of info about the movie instead of a long article. Thanks for not giving away any big plot points! I am not a Thor person but am more interested in seeing this movie now. I can't believe Chris is Liam's brother, who just got cast in the Hunger Games! Seems like these 2 boys will be getting much bigger in the coming year. Anyway, just came across your blog and I will be back. Thanks!

  3. I am going to see this with my BFF tomorrow, I can't wait to see it and review it!!

  4. Awesome review! I want to see it!
