Monday, May 9, 2011

In Michigan: Repubs vote to Penalize Colleges for Same-Sex Benefits

Great Hera! Michigan’s House has jump the gun for real! They have approved an amendment to penalize all universities in the state 5% for giving domestic partner benefits to same-sex and unmarried partners.

The Advocate reports
State Rep. Dave Agema (pictured) posted the following update on his Facebook page Thursday night: “I had an amendment put into the education budget that takes 5% away from colleges that give same sex/unmarried benefits and places up to $60 million of that into the MPSRS K-12 budget if colleges do not stop skirting the law and the will of the people. Colleges can’t say they are short of money when they skirt the law and give such benefits. The Dems didn’t like this – it passed.”

The approved budget cuts millions of dollars in state funding from the K-12 system and shifts some funding to the state’s community colleges.
Now the bills go to the conference committee for a final vote.  I guess they want to lose quality employees in their education system. This is totally ridic.

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