Monday, May 2, 2011

Another Interesting Quote: Judson Phillips, the head of Tea Party Nation

It took almost ten years, but Osama is dead. That is the good news.
The bad news is Obama is going to do what most politicians do, especially the liberal politicians. He is going to take credit for something that not only he had little to do with, but had we actually listened to him, the event never would have happened.

What should have happened, which would not happen under the Obama regime and to be fair, the Bush administration was too politically correct to do this either, but Osama’s body should have not been immediately buried. We should have told everyone that the body was wrapped in pig fat before burial.
It is not just the visceral insult. It is sending a message. Contrary to what the politically correct say, Osama does represent the mainstream of Islam. By defiling the body, we say that you are not getting your 72 virgins. This should be the policy we have with every Islamic terrorist we capture. If you die, we are going to deny you paradise. If we capture you, we are going to feed you nothing but pork until you talk.
Obama is taking credit for this. He did give the order. Did he really have a choice? If word leaked out that he had solid intelligence on where Bin Laden was and did not act, it would have killed any chance he had at reelection. Of course, he made his announcement right in the middle of Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” show. Of course, that was just a coincidence.
All I can do is just roll my eyes and curl my lips.



  1. "Did he really have a choice?"

    Well, we know now from the records that he did. Three options were on the table, and Obama polled his trusted advisers. The choices being:
    1) Bomb the hell out of the compound.
    2) Use ground troops to make sure the objective was achieved.
    3) Wait and get more information.

    Well, unlike Mr. Phillips' perception of Obama, his choice was the correct one and the bold one. And the decision was made in such firmness that it made Judson Phillips' head spin. But that's no surprise, he's been spinning everything placed in front of him.
    Indeed, this jerk is quite the bastard.

  2. cosign with Prince Toddy English

  3. Who the is Judson Phillips again? Has he ever been elected to anything? Anyway, more TP stupidity. Obama is the president who got bin Laden, while Phillips is barking to rubes in Tennessee.
