Sunday, April 24, 2011

Question of the Day: Doctor Who Edition

Well it was the season opener! If you are a fan of the series, what did you think?


  1. I sucked even more than last season and the death of a main character did nothing to endear me to this Dr.

  2. Loved it. VERY complex and dark, but funny, witty and clever. River was stunning, Amy and Rory are their usual selves, and as for The Doctor, I felt quite sorry for his younger self!

    The Silence have the makings of a great Who villain, too.

    All in all, GREAT!!!

  3. Ok,Didn't care for the episode much. But toward the last half of last season, i started disliking the smugness Amy Pond. With this season opener, it's official. I can't stand her at all, neither the character as written or the actress playing her. The Doctor had ten times more chemistry with the cute chub from last season's episode, "The Lodger". I hope they drop Amy and Rory down a deep well and bring that guy back. lol

  4. I loved the episode. River, Rory,and Amy were amazing. The new villain is so freaky. The 1969 storyline is looking really interesting. There were some great surprises.
