Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Trailers: X-Men First Class

US Version

The International Trailer


  1. I am so hoping that this is good!

  2. I use to think to myself "what does white folks need with a hero their the ones oppressing everyone" That has changed.

  3. Vik, Which character is the black guy from Twilight on the right at 1:09 supposed to be. He never shows up anywhere else in the preview but in that shot. At least as far as I can see.

  4. Wilson, he's Darwin from the official 2 team

  5. Darwin is supposed to be pretty freaking powerful.(He beat a god in a recent issue of X-Factor if I'm not mistaken.) But it looks like he must die or something in the movie because I don't see him anywhere else in the previews. I guess we'll see.
