Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In NoMoreDownLow TV: The Dinah Shore Drama? The Return of Noah's Arc?

Watch this new piece on the Dinah Shore Weekend, Noah's Arc and Queer Black Moble Homecoming


  1. are they bringing back Noah's Arc??

  2. I don't know... Actually, we may never know

  3. Oh it broke my heart to hear them say that Doug got a role on a soap opera right after learning that they have pulled it off the air. Sorry Doug. :(

    As far as Noah's Arc is concerned, I understand the actors wanting to move on to something else. He can't be expected to wait forever for the show to get brought back.

    Vik, you need to propose something!!! Get it poppin bro!! That show about the club kid gone Dad would be great!! ;)

  4. I have another idea that involve a gay teen and his odd family
