Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gov. Jan Brewer would prefer for you to be Straight if you want to Adopt Children

Lord, just when I give this heifer a compliment, she turns around and kicks dirt on my Prada loafers. Jan has approved a bill that gives married couples preference over others for adopting kids.

Senate Bill 1188, which was sponsored by Sen. Linda Gray, R-Glendale, would require an adoption agency to give primary consideration to adoptive placement with a married man and woman, with all other criteria being equal.
The bill applies to both state and private adoption agencies. Previously, only Utah has a law requiring priority for married couples, though several other states have bans on adoptions by same-sex couples or by unmarried couples.
Conservative groups and other supporters of the measure said children should have every opportunity to grow up in a household with a mom and dad. But critics said the bill will discourage singles from considering adoption in Arizona. About one-third of the foster children in Arizona are adopted by an unmarried person.
So technically, it's not saying gays can't adopt, but it sure is hard as Hell for a gay couple to do so. Way to go, Jan.


1 comment:

  1. Just one more example why I would not have voted for her and why I'm proud I don't live in such a backward state.

    Honestly, I'd be ashamed if I was from AZ or lived there.

