Friday, April 15, 2011

Arizona wants to see Proof of Birth and your COCK if you want to run for President

Arizona continues to show America how silly and foolish they are. Their lawmakers has passed the most ridiculous measure to date... HB 2177.

HB 2177, sponsored by Rep. Carl Seel, R-Phoenix, would require presidential and vice presidential candidates to provide the Arizona secretary of state with documents proving they are natural-born citizens.
Those documents can be either a long-form birth certificate or two or more other permitted documents, including an early baptismal certificate, circumcision certificate, hospital birth record, postpartum medical record signed by the person who delivered the child or an early census record.
If a candidate failed to submit required documents or the secretary of state deemed them insufficient, the candidate would not be listed on Arizona's ballot.
The bill has come before the Legislature several times in the past two years in various forms and has been proposed so far unsuccessfully in several other states in recent years.
It stems from questions about President Barack Obama's origin. Hawaii officials have repeatedly confirmed Obama's birth in their state, but some continue to believe that he was born in Kenya, his father's homeland.
Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Phoenix, voted against the bill and said he was embarrassed by his fellow lawmakers.
"Arizona is the first state to pass a birther bill. We look pretty much backward," Gallego said. "You might as well change Arizona to Alabama."
Can we send Arizona to another galaxy?


  1. I'd be happy to check for his circumcision. Just saying.

  2. Whoa hold on!!! I'm from Alabama and we're not quite that backwards!!!

    These birther people just don't think that fat meat is greasy. I suppose it must be frustrating having to look at that man of color in The White House everyday and realizing that he's the POTUS.

    I suppose any excuse is better than none.

  3. Arizona is worse than Alabama. I continue to pray we in California build that border fence right down the middle of the Colorado River.
