Friday, February 4, 2011

So, Why is Dan Choi going to CPAC?

Through out the week, I've posted tweets from Dan Choi about CPAC and how he's been palling with the 'enemy', Christopher Barron.

Well, Michelangelo Signorile interviewed Dan about attending this event, and you can hear it here.

However, I think it's interesting that Dan spat in the faces of the folks who were on his side, but causally chills with the people who thinks his rights should be delayed or denied.


  1. He's got mental problems. All this stuff has really effected him. I think he needs some serious help.

  2. I saw this guy on Chris Mathrew / HardBall and he was a bit cocky. I am at the point where I change the channel when he is a guest on someone's show.
    This fish face man is out for him self.
    I sure hope he doesn't think he is responsible for getting DADT repeal started.
