Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sarah Palin, there's a New Crazy in Town. And Her Name is Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann ain't slick. She is trying to steal Sarah Palin's glory and she is doing a good job of it.

Since Sarah is out of the game for the moment, Michele is moving on up to take the Tea Party Diva spot. But how is she doing it? Well, I've noticed a few things.
  • Michele has stepped up the game by acting the Tea Party Queen. She made sure the Tea Party would be represented and now there is a Tea Party Caucus.
  • She was in Iowa and been there twice so far. 
  • Michele is not afraid of the press. This heifer is EVERY-ASS-WHERE! ABC, CNN, MSNBC, this woman will jump in front of a camera in a minute. While Sarah hides and runs to Fox News, Michele goes to every one of them with no shame.
  • Also, she stays on the topics. She will go head to head with Dems, regardless if she is wrong or right. Usually, she's wrong.
  • Michele can raise money. In 2010, this girl raised $13.2 million bucks. Yes, she did.
  • And she is giving her own Tea Party flavored rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union. That takes balls, because she is repping her party and putting them first, before the GOP. Yes, this woman has a plan.
Sarah needs to pay attention, because Michele is coming up strong. I bet in a few months, Sarah's going to realize this and we will see a Beatrix vs Elle Driver-like fight between them.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle Bachman is INSANE!

    I've seen her debate a few other Representatives, and, oh man.
