Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Return of the Woolly Mammoth?

Science is amazing! If all goes well, we may see the return of the Woolly Mammoth!
The long-extinct woolly mammoth could be resurrected within five years, thanks to recent advances in cloning technology.

Japanese researchers plan to collect mammoth tissue this summer from a carcass that was frozen in the Siberian permafrost and is now in a Russian research laboratory, according to a report in the Yomiuri Shimbun.

The hope is to recover an undamaged nucleus of a mammoth cell from this tissue and insert it into an elephant egg cell from which the nucleus has been removed. This will create an embryo with mammoth genes, according to the news report.

This embryo will be inserted to the elephant's womb in hopes that she'll give birth to a mammoth.

"Preparations to realize this goal have been made," Akira Iritani, a team leader from Kyoto University, told the Yomiuri Shimbun.

Wow, if this is successful, imagine the wingnuts going completely bats**t! And we could see the Dodo again too!



  1. The problem is the wooly mammoth will die shortly after because of global warming!

  2. Oooh, I want for a pet, or to ride him through the streets of Smallville.

  3. I feel dinosaurs are still living on this planet. Just think ,we are drinking the water Dinosaurs drunk back in the day.

  4. I want them to make a T-Rexx! My favorite dinosaur.
