Friday, January 28, 2011

Madness at LGBT rights activist David Kato's funeral

At David's funeral, a pastor start his sermon by attacking gay people, telling David's friends and supporters that homosexuality is wrong. This angered David's friends, but the pastor continued...
"People are turning away from the scriptures. They should turn back, they should abandon what they are doing. You cannot start admiring a fellow man."
Gay activists, wearing T-shirts featuring Kato's face with sleeves coloured with the gay pride flag, then stormed the pulpit and grabbed the microphone.

"It is ungodly," the pastor shouted, before being blocked from sight.


An unidentified female activist then began to shout from the pulpit.

"Who are you to judge others?" she shouted. "We have not come to fight. You are not the judge of us. As long as he's gone to God his creator, who are we to judge Kato?"

Locals intervened on the side of the pastor and scuffles broke out before he was taken away to Kato's father's house to calm the situation.

Villagers then refused to bury the body at which point a group of Kato's friends, most of whom were gay, carried his coffin to the grave and buried it themselves.
It is horrible to read this. David should have been given the respect he deserves in death, and yet foolishness and hate won't allow him peace. I am happy that his friends were there fighting for him. I hope their actions continue to send Uganda a strong message about the LGBT struggle.

Rest in Peace, David. Your work will not be in vain.



  1. How many times must he die?!! I cried when I read this.

  2. It saddens me everytime I read this story from various sites. I pray for Uganda every other day, real talk.

  3. Tbags seem to have influenced the savages
