Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ha! The Supreme Court rejects appeal over DC gay marriage law

Sorry Bishop Harry, your foolish journey is over! The SCOUTS don't want to hear about anti-gay mission to stop gay marriage in D.C.
The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from opponents of same-sex marriage who want to overturn the District of Columbia's gay marriage law.

The court did not comment Tuesday in turning away a challenge from a Maryland pastor and others who are trying to get a measure on the ballot to allow Washingtonians to vote on a measure that defines marriage as between a man and a woman.

Bishop Harry Jackson led a lawsuit against the district's Board of Elections and Ethics after it refused to put that initiative on the ballot. The board ruled that the ballot question would in effect authorize discrimination.

Last year, Washington began issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples and in 2009, it began recognizing gay marriages performed elsewhere.

So Harry, maybe this God's way of saying... Stop it, you Fool!


1 comment:

  1. This man is just fronting to get rick off the donations. Probably so he can by some more crack. I learned in 2010 that the quickest way to become rich is to get folks to sent you money.The Tbags are good at that.
