Monday, January 24, 2011

Daniel Hernandez Jr. will be at the State of Union Address

Super Hero, Daniel Hernandez Jr. will be at the State of the Union address, sitting right next to Lady Michelle.
Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the State of the Union on Tuesday, which happens to be his 21st birthday.

"I'm both honored and excited to have the opportunity to travel to our nation's Capitol for a once in a lifetime event. Also the chance to bring my father along for his first trip to Washington, D.C. The State of the Union is a pivotal moment because it is our opportunity to find where we are and where we will be going as a nation in this upcoming year," Hernandez said.
And it's his birthday? Do it, Daniel! This is your life!


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