Monday, June 21, 2010

Something totally Different: Too Much Pride Makes The Baby Go Gay

I just received some info about this new project called, Too Much Pride Makes The Baby Go Gay

Please check out the clip

Here's more info:
Too Much PRIDE Makes the Baby Go Gay: 30 Gay Plays in 60 Straight Minutes, will be raising money to benefit LGBTQ advocacy in Uganda through the Fund for Global Human Rights, in an effort to combat proposed legislation that could make it a criminal offense to be gay, with punishment by imprisonment and even execution. The New York Neo-Futurists call our audiences to action in support of this important cause.

A blend of the comedic, tragic, political and always personal, the New York Neo-Futurists explore the journey from out to proud in 30 short plays over the course of one hour.

Featuring out and/or proud Neo-Futurists, Jill Beckman, Christopher Borg, Roberta Colindrez, Jacquelyn Landgraf, Erica Livingston, Daniel McCoy, Joey Rizzolo, Lusia Strus and Yolanda Kae Wilkinson.

With opening a special opening act by Regie Cabico (“The fairy godmother of DC spoken word poetry” – Washington Post) on Friday, June 25th, and a special opening act by M. Lamar (“He deconstructs the persona of the diva as he wraps himself in divalike hauteur”-New Yorker) on Saturday, June 26th.

For more information visit
Check it out! Hope to see more from them.

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