Saturday, May 1, 2010

Matthew Vaughn offered X-Men First Class Director's Job

Interesting move in the biz, Matthew Vaughn has been asked to direct X-Men:First Class.

In a move that may tilt the axis of fanboys worldwide, Kick-Ass director Matthew Vaughn is in talks to direct X-Men: First Class for Twentieth Century Fox. Why is this so bizarre? Because Vaughn is the very director who turned down directing X-Men: The Last Stand back in 2005 after he had already negotiated his deal with the studio. (Fox later hired Brett Ratner to helm the most successful of all X-Men films.) Vaughn went on to direct the disappointing Stardust for Paramount and, just two weeks ago, released the well-reviewed R-rated Kick-Ass.

I believe this could be good. I loved Kick-Ass and Matthew has a great eye for action. I think this would be a win for us.


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